Ruvies makes 100% natural African inspired tea and herbal blends
Ruvies brings you freshest tea and herbal blends made with great and unique ingredients from the fields of Africa. Our main goal is to help you discover more healthy drink options and introduce you to the natures goodness found within our hand crafted African orthodox loose leaf teas and herbal infusions.

Why choose Ruvies tea blends
1. Pure healthy blends
Ruvies blends premium African orthodox tea leaves with 100% natural therapeutic herbs inspired by African culture. We only use 100% natural tea leaves, flowers, spices and herbs with proven health benefits. No tea dust. 100% natural. No chemicals. No colours. Not added “nature identical” flavors.We balance taste and health in creating effective wellness gourmet tea blends. Our team does research, and conducts frequent tasting sessions to create divinely tasty yet therapeutic tea blends which appeal great to your mind, body and soul.
2. Sourcing
We source the herbs and teas directly from small scale farmers in the coastal, Riftvalley and Mt Kenya regions in Kenya.We encourage women entrepreneurship and work together with women groups to support local communities.Our goal is to ensure the best of African loose leaf tea blends, in terms of quality is served in all African homes and across the globe. We aspire to create fine and unique loose leaf blends that portray the African story while blending science with nature to bring out tasty African orthodox teas in fruity,floral and herbal medleys. We specialize in whole leaf tea. Tiny leaf particles lack most of the essential oils and aroma larger leaves have, so you miss out on both nutrients and flavor. They also release more tannins when brewed, which leads to more bitterness.
3. Packaged fresh and tasty
Ruvies tea is packaged while still fresh and immediately after blending to keep the fresh taste and aroma intact. we package the teas in air tight pouches to keep out moisture,air,oxygen and light and to ensure that the tea gets to you as it should,tasty and great aroma.
4. No filter paper or tea bags
We use pure loose leaf orthodox tea and herbs to prepare our blends which we package whole in pouches to allow you to infuse wholly.“Whole-leaf tea” means tea that’s primarily made up of whole, unbroken leaves. Loose-leaf tea is a tea that is not brewed in a teabag. When you steep loose-leaf tea, it has (or should have) room for tea leaves to absorb water and expand as they infuse. This allows the water to flow through the leaves and extract a wide range of vitamins, minerals, flavors, and aromas from the leaves. When you steep tea in a teabag, its infusion is limited by the size of the teabag. The number one reason to drink loose leaf tea is quality. Even low quality leaves are better than anything you’ll find in any standard tea bag, and good quality tea leaves are a revelation. If you’re used to drinking tea made from bags, you’ll be shocked at the difference.
5. Local community support
Every time you purchase a packet of tea from Ruvies, you put a smile on the face of a small holder farmers who depends on farming to support their families and get their children to go to school. We directly source our raw materials from cordinated women groups to help provide fair wages and valuable income to support women,families and entire communities.